Imran Qureshi
Born in Hyderabad (Pakistan), 1972
Lives in Lahore
Download Biography
1993 BA Fine Art, National College of Arts, Lahore
- Solo Exhibitions
"Scattered yet Together", Pulchri Studio, Netherlands
"Home", COMO Museum of Art, Lahore
“The Garden”, The Barracks, Lahore
"Homecoming", Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Paris
“Out Of Blue”, Khatoon-i-Pakistan Government Girls School, Pakistan
QUAD Gallery, Derby
"The Seeming Endless Path of Memory”, Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Paris -
“By the People”, Washington National Cathedral, Washington, DC
“Two Wings To Fly, Not One”, Pakistan National Council of the Arts, National Art Gallery,
Islamabad, Pakistan (With Aisha Khalid)
“And That Is How We Loved This Too - This Land”, Thaddeaus Ropac, Salzburg -
“The Seeming endless path of memory”, Museo Civico, San Gimignano, Sienna, Italy
Newlyn Art Gallery, Newlyn; The Exchange, Penzance and Truro Cathedral, Cornwall
“Garden Within a Garden”, Cartwright Hall Art Gallery, Bradford
“Where the Shadows are so Deep”, Barbican, London (cat)
“Idea of Lanscape”, Kunsten Museum of Modern Art, Aalborg (cat) -
“Idea of Landscape”, Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Paris
“Deutsche Bank Artist of the Year 2013: Imran Qureshi”, IKON Gallery, Birmingham
“Imran Qureshi: The God of Small Things”, Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum, Michigan State University, East Lansing
“Midnight Garden”, Gandhara Art, Pao Galleries, Hong Kong
Salsali Private Museum, Dubai
“All Time Would be Perpetual Spring”, Art on the Underground commission, Transport for London, London -
Museo d'Arte Contemporanea Roma (MACRO), Rome
“The Roof Garden Commission: Imran Qureshi’s Miniature Paintings”, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
“The Roof Garden Commission: Imran Qureshi”, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (cat)
“Artist of the Year”, Deutsche Bank Kunsthalle, Berlin
“And They Still Seek The Traces Of Blood…”, Zahoor Al Akhlaq Gallery, National College of Arts, Lahore -
“All Are The Colour of My Heart”, Chawkandi Art, Karachi
“All Are The Colour of My Heart”, Rohtas 2, Lahore
Pao Gallery, Hong Kong Art Center, Hong Kong -
"Encounters: Imran Qureshi", Modern Art Oxford, Oxford
Canvas Art Gallery, KarachI -
Anant Art Gallery, New Delhi (cat)
Corvi-Mora, London
Chawkandi Art Gallery, Karachi (cat)
Rohtas Gallery, Islamabad
Alliance Française Gallery, Lahore
- Special Projects
“Garden within a Garden”, Mughal Water Gardens, Lister Park organized in collaboration with Cartwright Hall, Bradford Museums and Galleries.
"AANideasLAB: IQ X IU", a collaboration of art and cricket for Islamabad United Cricket Team, Produced by ANN Art Space & Museum, Islamabad
- Two Person Exhibitions
Corvi-Mora, London (with Tomoaki Suzuki)
“Other States, Other Lives, Other Souls”, Corvi-Mora, London (with Aisha Khalid)
“Imran Qureshi & Aisha Khalid", Nature Morte, New Delhi
“They Said it Was Love…”, Lakeeren Art Gallery, Mumbai (with Atif Khan)
Corvi-Mora, London (with Aisha Khalid)
"Portraits and Vortexes", The Experimental Gallery, Hong Kong Arts Centre, Hong Kong (with Aisha Khalid) (cat)
Corvi-Mora, London (with Aisha Khalid) -
Chawkandi Art Gallery, Karachi (with Aisha Khalid)
Corvi-Mora, London (with Aisha Khalid)
Admit One Gallery, New York (with Aisha Khalid) -
Sim Sim Art Gallery, Lahore (with Farida Batool)
Chowkandi Art Gallery, Karachi (with Aisha Khalid)
Off-Set Portfolio Centre, Islamabad (with Tahir Mehmood)
Gallery NCA, Lahore (with Tahir Mehmood)
- Group Exhibitions
"Between Sacred Cities", Islamic Arts Biennale, Jeddah
“Beyond the Page” The Box, Plymouth
"Of Mountains and Seas", Lahore Biennale, Lahore
"Every Milestone a Destination", White wall Gallery, Lahore
"MANZAR: Art and Architecture from Pakistan 1940s to Today", Art Mill Museum, National Museum of Qatar, Doha -
"Beyond the Page ", MK Gallery, Milton Keynes
"Christian Louboutin : l'exhibition(niste)", Grimaldi Forum, Monaco
"Amakin", Jeddah Saudi Art Council, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia -
"Brent Biennial", Brent
"Miniature 2.0: Miniature in Contemporary Art”, Pera Museum, Istanbul
"Between the Sun and the Moon", Lahore Biennale 02, Lahore
“Christian Louboutin: l'Exhibition(niste)”, Palais de la Porte Dorée, Paris -
“Karachi Biennale 19”, Frere Hall, Karachi
“Forgotten Enlightenments” HALLE 14, Leipzig -
“Abu Dhabi Art 2018 Beyond”, Al Jahili Fort, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates
"Lahore Biennale 01", Lahore, Pakistan
“By the People”, Washington National Cathedral, Washington
“International Exhibition of Contemporary Art”, Yerevan -
“This Night-Bitten Dawn”, Devi Art Foundation in collaboration with The Gurjal Foundation, New Dehli
"Minor Heroisms", Galeri Zilberman, Istanbul
“The Great Game”, Venice Biennial 2015, Venice
"Framing Fraktur Word & Image: Contemporary Artists Connect to Fraktur", The Free Library of Philadelphia, Philadelphia -
"Eurasia, A View On Painting", Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Paris
“Asia Triennial Manchester 2014”, Imperial War Museum North”, Manchester
“Nuit Blanche”, 10 Place du Panthéon, Paris
“Garden of Ideas: Contemporary Art from Pakistan”, Aga Khan Museum, Toronto
“Fields of Vision”, Yorkshire Festival 2014, Yorkshire
“Don’t you know who I am?”, M HKA, The Museum of Contemporary Art Antwerp, Antwerp -
“Extra | ordinary: 37 do-it-yourself art ideas for free”, Canvas Gallery, Karachi
“The Encyclopedic Palace”, 55th Venice Biennale, Venice (cat)
“In Cloud Country: Abstracting From Nature - From John Constable to Rachel Whiteread”,
Harewood House, Yorkshire (cat)
“Expanded Drawing”, Casal Solleric, Palma
“No Borders”, Bristol Museum & Art Gallery, Bristol (in partnership with Arnolfini)
“Sub-Topical Heat: New art from South Asia”, Govett-Brewster Art Gallery, New Plymouth, New Zealand
“18th Biennale of Sydney: All our relations”, Cockatoo Island, Sydney (cat) -
“They Said it Was Love....”, Lakeeren Art Gallery, Mumbai
"Painting Show”, Eastside Projects, Birmingham
“Realms of Intimacy: Miniaturist Practice from Pakistan”, Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati
“Signature Art Prize Finalist Exhibition”, Singapore Art Museum, Singapore
“Sharjah Biennial 10: Plot For A Biennial”, Sharjah Art Museum, Sharjah
“Old Intersections – Make It New”, 3rd Thessaloniki Biennale of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki (cat)
“Political Patterns – Ornament im Wandel”, ifa-Galerie, Berlin (cat)
“Intimate Pictures, Pakistani Contemporary Miniatures”, Tokyo Gallery + BTAP, Tokyo
“And Nothing But the Truth: The Problem of Parrhesia”, IVS Gallery, Karachi -
“Mazaar Bazaar”, Zahoor ul Akhlaq Gallery, National College of Arts, Lahore
“Beyond the Page: Contemporary Art from Pakistan”, Pacific Asia Museum, Pasadena -
“Mashq - Repetition Meditation Mediation”, Green Cardamom, London
“East–West Divan: Contemporary Art from Afghanistan, Iran & Pakistan”, La Scuola Grande della Misericordia, Venice
"Hanging Fire: Contemporary Art from Pakistan", Asia Society, New York (cat)
“Outside In: Alternative Narratives In Contemporary Art”, University Museum and Art Gallery, The University of Hong Kong
“Die Macht Des Ornaments”, Belvedere, Vienna (cat)
“Living Traditions”, Queenʼs Palace, Bagh-e-babur, Kabul (cat)
“100 Years, 100 Artists, 100 Works of Art”, London Underground, London -
"Friends of Rohtas", Rohtas 2, Lahore
"Beyond the Page: Contemporary Art from Pakistan", Foyle Gallery, MAC Arts, Birmingham, UK -
"Beyond the Page: Contemporary Art from Pakistan", Asia House, London (cat)
"I love my country but I think we should start seeing other people", Jack Hanley Gallery, San Francisco
"Belief", Singapore Biennale 2006, Singapore
"Karkhana - A Contemporary Collaboration", Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum, Ridgefield, CT (cat)
"Miniatures Contemporaines Du Pakistan", La Halle Villefranche De Rouergue
"One to One", Alhamra Art Gallery, Lahore (cat)
"Re-inventing Narratives", La Galerie Mohamed el Fassi, Morocco (cat)
"Beyond Borders - Art from Pakistan", National Gallery of Modern Art, Mumbai (cat)
"A Gathering of Seasons", Triveni Kala Sangam, New Delhi (cat) -
"Contemporary Miniature Paintings from Pakistan", Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, Fukuoka
"Expander", Royal Academy of Arts, 6 Burlington Gardens, London (cat)
"Playing with a Loaded Gun", Museum Fridericianum Kassel (cat)
"The Drawn Page", The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum, Ridgefield, CT (cat) -
"Karkhana", Touchstones Art Gallery, Rochdale, UK
"Contemporary Miniatures from Pakistan", K3 - Project Space, Zürich (curated by Virginia Whiles)
"Playing with a Loaded Gun : Contemporary Art in Pakistan", apexart, New York
"The American Effect", Whitney Museum of American Art, New York (cat)
"Miniatures Pakistanaises", Maison d'Art Contemporain Chaillioux, Fresnes, France (curated by Virginia Whiles, cat)
"New Work", Corvi-Mora, London
"Negotiating Borders", Siddhartha Art Gallery, Kathmandu -
"The Galleries Show: Contemporary Art in London", The Royal Academy of Arts, London
"Threads, Dreams, Desires", Harris Museum & Art Gallery, Preston, UK
"Around the Miniature", Canvas Gallery, Karachi -
Bluecoat Gallery, Liverpool, UK
"Manoeuvering Miniatures", IIC Gallery, New Delhi; Sakshi Gallery, Mumbai (cat)
Ivan Dougherty Gallery, Sydney, Australia
"In Conversation", Gallery Espace, New Delhi -
Alliance Française, Singapore
"Pakistan Another Vision", Victoria Art Gallery, Bath, UK; Center of Contemporary Art, Glasgow, UK; Huddersfield Art Gallery, Huddersfield, UK; Brunei Gallery, London Canvas Art Gallery, Karachi
Didrichsen Art Museum, Kuusisaari, Finland -
Notices Gallery, Singapore
"Third Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art", Brisbane, Australia (cat) -
National Art Gallery, Malaysia
Lionel Wiendt Art Gallery, Colombo, Sri Lanka
"8th Asian Art Biennale", Shilpkala Academy, Bangladesh
"Draped & Shaped", Cartwright Hall, Bradford, UK
- Publications
"Miniature in Contemporary Art", Pera Müzesi, Istambul, pp. 146-155
The Red Gaze, Zilberman Gallery, A.S Bruckstein Çoruh, Lotte Laub, Berlin (cat)
Vitamin P3 : New Perspectives in Painting, Phaidon, London, pp. 260 - 261
Stinna Toft, Xenia Geroulanos, Razia Sadik, "Imran Qureshi, Idea of Landscape", Kunsten (cat) -
Charlotte Mullins, "Painting People", Thames & Hudson, London, pp.170-171
Suzanne Hudson, “painting now”, Thames & Hudson, London, pp.153-156 -
David Elliot, “Art from elsewhere, International Contemporary Art from UK Galleries”, Hayward Publishing, London
Raffaele Quattrone, “In Itinere: Arte contemporanea in trasformazione”, EQUIPèCO, Rome
Bartolomeo Pietromarchi and Friedhelm Huette, “Imran Qureshi: Deutsche Bank’s Artist of the Year 2013”, MACRO, Rome (cat)
Massimiliano Gioni, “Il Palazzo Enciclopedico”, Fondazione La Biennale di Venezia (cat)
“In Cloud Country: Abstracting from Nature”, Harewood House Trust, Harewood (cat)
“Vitamin D2: New Perspectives in Drawing”, Phaidon, London, pp.226-229
“Imran Qureshi: Artist of the Year 2013”, Deutsche Bank (cat)
Ian Alteveer, Navina Najat Haidar and Sheena Wagstaff, “The Roof Garden Commission: Imran Qureshi”, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (cat) -
“Biennale: 3”, 3rd Thessaloniki Biennale of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki, pp.71-72
“Political Patterns: Ornament im Wandel“, Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen, Stuttgart, pp.64-75
Véronique Rieffel, “Islamania”, Institut des Cultures d’Islam, Beaux-Arts editions, Paris, pp.106-107
“Plot for a Biennale: Sharjah Biennial 10 March 16 - May 16 2011”, Sharjah Art Foundation, Sharjah, pp.177-183 (cat) -
“Side by Side”, Raking Leaves, London
Iftikhar Dadi, “Modernism and the Art of Muslim South Asia”, The University of North
Carolina Press, p.220
Virginia Whiles, “Art and Polemic in Pakistan: Cultural Politics and Tradition in Contemporary Miniature Painting”, Tauris Academic Studies, London, pp.30-42 -
Jemima Montagu and Constance Wyndham, “Living Traditions”, Turquoise Mountain, pp.104-111
“Die Macht Des Ornaments”, Belvedere, Wien, pp.94-99 -
“Indian Highway”, Serpentine Gallery, Koenig Books, December, p.202
"Il Velo", Centro Sperimentale per le Arti Contemporanee, Silvana Editoriale, p.131
"Imran Qureshi: Portraits and Vortexes", Rohtas 2 and Gandhara-Art, Hong Kong
Monsoon Art Collection, Die Keure, Belgium -
“Muhammad Imran Qureshi”, Anant Art Gallery, New Dehli (cat)
- Bibliography
Jennifer Hattam, “Miniature painting enters the modern age”, Apollo magazine, January 6
Kabir Jhala and Louisa Buck, "Three exhibitions to see in London this weekend", The Art Newspaper, September 25
"Radio feature on Pakistani artist Imran Qureshi nominated for 2020 AIB awards", Geo News, September 25
“Within Destruction Something New Is Madel”, ArtReview, September 24
Hettie Judah, “Blood splatters, soul soda and a giant George Michael: inside Brent’s biennial”, The Guardian, September 22
Nimra Khan, "Exhibition: Imran's Blues", Today's Paper, March 16
Mikaela Lefrak, “The National Cathedral Is Covered In Blue Paint. What’s Going On?,, June 19
Adele Chapin, “The Washington National Cathedral is the canvas for a very blue art installation”, Curbed Washington DC, June 19
“Lahore Biennale 01: Shehr-o-Funn to begin on Sunday”, Daily Times, March 16
B. N. Goswamy, “Canvas of separation, prose of pain”, The Tribune, April 29
Quddus Mirza, “A retrospective of sorts” The News on Sunday, April 30
Anne Maniglier, “One artist, One studio”, Happening, April 14
Bernhard Flieher, “Aus Gewalt wachsen Blumen”, Salzburger Nachrichten
Julius Alam, “How artist Imran Qureshi transforms pain into pleasure”, Herald, April 25
Suljuk Mustansar Tarar, “Imran Qureshi is Red”, The Friday Times, February 3
“Imran Qureshi becomes first Pakistani artist to be honoured by US State Department”, The Express Tribune, January 18
Hamza Rao, “Imran Qureshi becomes first Pakistani artist to be honored with a Medal of Arts Award by the US Department of State”, Daily Pakistan Global, January 18
“Artist to watch in 2017”, Art and Only, January 17
“Artist honoured”, Dawn, January 16
Ambika Rajgopal, "Imran Qureshi: Where the Shadows are so Deep",, April 25
Sabine Casparie, “Beauty and Violence: Art from Pakistan”,, March 24
Samar F. Zia, “Art Review: 'Where the Shadows are so Deep' by Imran Qureshi”,, March 09
Zahra Khan, “Imran Qureshi: Where the Shadows are so Deep”,, March 6
Fareda Khan, “Where do these crimson trails lead us”,, March 6
“Review: Imran Qureshi: Where the Shadows are so Deep”,, March 5
Zahra Khan, “Imran Qureshi: Where the Shadows are so Deep”,, March 2
Gareth Harris, “Imran Qureshi’s minatures take over London’s Barbican – and a park in Bradford”,, February 29
Martina Melli, "Review: Imran Qureshi's Minature Paintings at the Barbican",, February 24
David Shariatmadari, "'Violence is all around me': Imran Qureshi on his disturbing miniatures", The Guardian G2, pp.16-17, February 18
Matthew Pronchick, "Imran Qureshi: Where the Shadows are so Deep at the Barbican Centre",, February 18 -
Virginia Whiles, "Of similarites and differences", Dawn, p.10, December 6
Violaine Boutet de Monvel, "Imran Qureshi Idea of Landscape", Art Review, p.111, December
Franck Barthelemy, “Imran Qureshi- de sang et d’or - un Pakistanais a Paris”,, October 26
Monica Arora, “50 Shades of Red”,, May 25
Sneha Bhura, "Imran Qureshi and Aisha Khalid: My name is Red",, May 15
Sonam Gupta, "Code red",, April 25
Roger Atwood, “Imran Qureshi at IKON Gallery”, Art News, p.94, February
Aisha Farooq, “Imran Qureshi – A Gifted Pakistani Artist”,, January 18
Zehra Jumabhoy “Imran Qureshi at IKON Gallery”, Artforum, vol.53, No.6, February -
Becca Harris, “Imran Qureshi: Synthesizing Traditional Motifs With Current World Issues,, December 2
Robert Clarke, “Howard Hodgkin, Imran Qureshi, William Blake: This week’s new exhibitions”,, November 29
Graham Young, “Imran Qureshi at Ikon Gallery”,, November 25
Laura Cumming, “The might be blood”, The Observer, p.29, November 23
“Ikon Presents Exhibition Imran Qureshi Deutsche Bank Artist of the Year”,, November 14
“God of small things", Apollo Magazine, pp.49-50, November
“In Conversation with Pakistan’s Genius Artist: Imran Qureshi”,, September 23
Murray Whyte, "Aga Khan Museum to open Sept .18", The Toronto Star, September 8
Kelly Crow, "The Aga Khan's New Islamic Treasure Trove",, September 4
“Nuit Blance 2014 – Selected Works”,, September
“Grand Depart art project unveiled in Calderdale”, Halix Courier, July 5
Martin Shaw, “Giant artworks by Imran Qureshi installed at Ripponden”, The Huddersfield Daily Examiner, July 3
Anna Russell, “Dark Beauty In Works of Bloody Red”,, May 16
Lisa Pollman, “Turning tradition on its head”,, May 16 Unni K. Nair, “An Interview with Imran Qureshi”, Literati, February 27
Danna Lorch, “Imran Qureshi and Perylene Maroon”, Danna Writes (blog), February 27
“Interview: Imran Qureshi and Aisha Khalid”, Time Out Hong Kong, February 19
"5 things to do today in Dubai", Time Out Dubai, February 11
“Imran Qureshi’s art installation in Dubai is effectively drawing blood”,, February 11
Anna Seaman, “Imran Qureshi at Salsali Private Museum”, The National (blog), February 11
Anna Seaman, “Imran Qureshi’s new exhibition in Dubai is effectively drawing blood”, The National, February 14
Jennifer Higgie, “8 Painters on Painting”, Frieze, No.160, January/February, pp.95-97
“How the city’s Ikon Gallery has become an icon”, Birmingham Post, February 7
“Le Quotazioni Dell’Arte Contemporanea Pakistana”, Plus24: Il Sole 24 Ore, February 1, N.598, p.15
“Imran Qureshi and Aisha Khalid at Pao Galleries”, Hong Kong Tatler, January 27 -
“Imran Qureshi Designs Pocket Tube Map for 150 London Underground Anniversary”, artlyst, December 19
Ashitha Nagesh, “Pakistani Artist Inspired by Underground Life for London Tube Map”, Blouin Artinfo, December 19
“London awaits spring with new pocket tube map”,, December 19
“London awaits spring with new pocket tube map”,, December 19
“The Asia Conversations: Imran Qureshi with Simone Krug”, Web specials, Kaleidoscope, December
Juliet Art Magazine, n.165, December 2013 – January 2014 (cover only)
Alia Chughtai, “Drone art: Death on a canvas”, Aljazeera, November 25
Gabriele Girolamini, “Imran Qureshi: Bloodflowers”, Drome Magazine, September 30
Tiziana Fabi, “Qureshi brings blood-themed art to Rome”, Newsweek Pakistan, September 24
“Flowers of blood in Imran Qureshi’s Rome exhibition”, The Express Tribune Pakistan, September 24
Nicoletta Castagni, “Mostre: Imran Qureshi, tra miniature e dripping di sangue. Dal 25 settembre al Marco di Roma”, L’Huffington Post, September 24
“Imran Qureshi, tradizione e modernita al MACRO”, La Stampa, September 23
Carlo Alberto Bucci, “Imran Qureshi: Il mondo in una miniature dal sangue nascono I fiori”, La Repubblica, September 22
Gabriele Simongini, “Gli opposti si attraggono nelle miniature di Qureshi”, Il Tempo Roma, September 22
Edoardo Sassi, “Moghul, sangue, miniature, gesto: l’arte di Imran Qureshi”, Corriere Della Sera Roma, September 21
Moon Sun-a, “Shoots of Hope in Despair”, Public Art, September, pp. 84-90
Atteqa Ali, “In a League of his Own”, Libas International, Volume 26, Issue 3, September/October/November, pp. 278-281
Andreas Toelke, “Blut and Blueten”, Artinvestor, August 15
Tania Bhattacharya, “Pakistani artist makes New Yorkers see red”, gulfnews, August 14
Sherazam Tiwana, “True Grit: Imran Qureshi’s brush with global celebrity”, Newsweek Pakistan, August 9 & 16, pp. 54-55
Kolja Reichert, “Zeige Deine Wunde”, Die Welt, August 3
“The Roof Garden Commission”, NYC Art Scene (blog), July 27
“Imran Qureshi”, arttattler (blog), July 25
Olaf Labane, “Zwischen Tradition une Moderne”, HUch, July 23
Ingeborg Ruthe, “Alles fuer die Hoffnung”, Berliner Zeitung, July 23
“I Like Mondays Unter den Linden”, Berliner Morgenpost, July 22
Cedar Pasori and Leigh Silver, “The Most Important Artists of 2013 (so far)”, Complex, July 11
Lili Rosboch, “Murderous Mob Inspires Pakistani Artist’s Red Met Rooftop”, Bloomberg, July 3
Mary Di Lucia, “Roses in Bloom, Blood, and Gore on the Rooftop of the Met”, Turn On Art / Ivory Press, July/August
Faiza Virani, “Imran Qureshi”, Herald, July, pp.73-75
Bansie Vasvani, “Raining Blood: Imran Qureshi’s Regenerative Rooftop Art at the Metropolitan Museum”, The Culture Trip, June
“Curator’s Talk Unter den Linden”, Berliner Morgenpost, June 27
“Imran Qureshi”, Live Berlin (Berliner Morgenpost), June 27
“United States/New York: The Metropolitan Roof Garden”, Modemonline, June 25
“Rencontre avec l'artiste contemporain pakistanais Imran Qureshi” in “Metropolis”,, June 22, 14:34
Linde Rohr-Bongard, “Schoenheit und Gewalt”, Manager Magazine, June 21
“The MET Roof Garden: Imran Qureshi”, Flash Art, June 19
Sehba Mohammad, “Neo-Miniaturist Imran Qureshi on his rooftop painting for the Met”, Blouin Artinfo, June 18
“Tradition and Regeneration: Imran Qureshi at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York – picture feast”, Art Radar Asia, June 14
Leoni Jessica Hof, “Die Kraft der Kunst”, Bolero, June 14
“50 Under 50: The Next Most Collectible Artists, Part 2”, Blouin Artinfo, June 13
“Hoffnungskeime, die aus Blut erbluehen” Kunst Magazin, June 11
“Field Trip: Venice Biennale, Giardini”, artasiapacific (Blog), June 5
Nav Haq, “Pedagogy as Practice in Lahore”, Afterall, June 4
Roderick Conway Morris, “Serendipity Spices a Surprising Venice Biennale”, The New York Times, June 3
Amna Iqbal, “Art at its peak: Don’t Look Down”, The Express Tribune, June 2
Carol Vogel, “Ripples of Rumination”, The New York Times, June 2
Sarah Khan, “Spurensuche in Lahore”, Weltkunst, May, pp.51-57
Cathryn Collins, “Qureshi at the Met”, Departures, May, p. 169
Isabelle Spicer, “Imran Qureshi à la Deutsche Bank Kunsthalle”, Le Journal des Arts, May 24-June 6
Nafisa Rizvi, “There will be blood”, The Friday Times, Vol. XXV, No. 15, May 24-30
“Roof Garden Installation by Pakistani artist Imran Qureshi opens at Metropolitan Museum”,, May 28
“Imran Qureshi: The Roof Garden Commission at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, through November 3, 2013”, art observed, May 28
“Azotea del MET se baña de sangre con obra de Imran Qureshi”, el Nuevo Herald, May 28
Bisma Tirmizi, “Night at the Museum with Imran Qureshi”,, May 27
Ken Johnson, “Savagery, Mulled in Air Precincts”, The New York Times, May 16
“Artist on top”, Newsweek Pakistan, May 26
Andrew Lasane, “Imran Qureshi Paints the Roof of the Metropolitan Museum of Art Blood Red”, Complex, May 24
“Imran Qureshi”, Harper’s Bazaar Art Arabia, May/June
Martina Albertazzi, “New York, l’opera di Imran Qureshi al Metropolitan Museum: macchie di vernice color sangue sul tetto del museo”, L’Huffington Post, May 20
“Metropolitan of Art Museum rooftop: Imran Qureshi opens exhibit”, Newsday, May 18
Burkhard Meier-Grolman, “Blutspritzer auf Blattgold”, Schwaebische Post, May 18
Burkhard Meier-Grolman, “Blutspritzer auf Blattgold”, Suedwest Presse, May 18
Jan Dalley, “ Common ground in a divided world”, Financial Times, May 17
“Roof Garden Installation by Imran Qureshi at Metropolitan Museum”, Islamic Arts Magazine, May 17
Robin Cembalest, “Let It Bleed: The Frightening Scene on the Met’s Roof”, ARTnews, May 16
“Deutsche Bank Kunsthalle: Imran Qureshi, Kuenstler des Jahres”, Berlin Programm, May 16
Seda Nigbolu, “Imran Qureshi”, Zitty Berlin, May 15
“Imran Qureshi’s installation at the rooftop garden of the Metropolitan Museum of Art”, May 15
“The Roof Garden Commission: Imran Qureshi”, Time Out new York, May 15
Nancy Lazarus, “Metropolitan Museum Unveils Imran Qureshi’s Roof Garden Installation”, UnBeige, May 15
“At the Met, Pakistani Artist’s Rooftop Installation”, Newsweek Pakistan, May 14
“New York. Il giardino rosso sangue nell’arte di Qureshi”, la, May 14
“Multimedia: Artist Imran Qureshi Creates Dialogue in Site-Specific Installations”, Asia Society, May 14
“Imran Qureshi opens exhibit at Metropolitan Museum of Art”, Newsday, May 13
Andrea Hilgenstock, “Frankenberger Allgemeine, May 15
“Roof Garden Installation by Imran Qureshi to open at Met Museum”, BWW News Desk, May 10
Carol Vogel, “At Met, Park Views Big and Small”, The New York Times, May 10
Christian Herchenroeder, “Kunst wird zum politischen Kommentar”, Handelsblatt, May 3
“Seismograf fuer gesellschaftliche Veraenderungen”, Zeitkunst, May 3
“Art and exhibitions: Imran Qureshi”, Berlin&I, May 1
“Ausstellung: Imran Qureshi”, Der Tagesspiegel, April 27
Sarah Khan, “Spurensuche in Lahore”, Weltkunst (Handelsblatt), April 25
“Deutsche Bank eroeffnet neue Kunsthalle in Berlin”, RB Reise-Blitz, April 25
“Imran Qureshi”, Monopol, April 24
Ingeborg Ruthe, “Zaertliches Blutbad”, Frankfurter Rundschau, April 24
“Kunsthalle der Deutschen Bank eroefnet mit Imran Qureshi”, Focus Online, April 22
Weltkunst, April 22
“Deutsche Bank startet Kunsthalle mit Imran Qureshi”, Stuttgarter Nachrichten, April 22
Brigitte Werneburg, “Grosse Versprechen”,, April 21
Brigitte Werneburg, “Die Tate Modern in Berlin”, taz, April 21
Barbara Wiegand, “Blutrote Blueten als Zeichnen der Hoffnung”, rbb online, April 20
“Kunsthalle der Deutschen Bank eroeffnet”, Neues Deutschland, April 19
Gabriela Walde, “Kunsthalle eroeffnet offiziell mit Werken von Imran Qureshi”, Berliner Morgenpost, April 18
“Knopfnoten”, Berliner Morgenpost, April 18
“Austellung: Imran Qureshi Unter den Linden”, Berliner Morgenpost, April 18
Ingeborg Ruthe, “Zaertliches Blutbad”, Berliner Zeitung, April 18
“Seine Bilder eroeffnen die neue Kunsthalle”, BZ, April 18
“Neue Kunsthalle oeffnet”, Fehmarnsches Tageblatt, April 18
“Neue Kunsthalle oeffnet”, Rotenburger Kreiszeitung, April 18
“Neue Kunsthalle Berlin oeffnet mit Imran Qureshi”, WZ Westdeutsche Zeitung, April 18
“Die neue Wunderkammer”, Die Welt Kompakt, April 18
“Kunsthalle eroeffnet heute”, TLZ Thueringische Landeszeitung, April 18
“Kunsthalle eroeffnet Unter den Linden”, GN Grafschafter Nachrichten, April 18
“Kunsthalle eroeffnet Unter den Linden”, Neue OZ Osnabruecker Zeitung, April 18
“Kunsthalle eroeffnet Unter den Linden”, RZ Rheiderland, April 18
“Neue Kunsthalle oeffnet”, Kreiszeitung, April 18
Anna Patazcek, “Die Farbe des Terrors”, Der Tagesspiegel, April 17
Birgit Sonna, “Wenn Rosetten aus Blutfarbe Aufbluehen”, art Das Kunstmagazin, April 17
“Tagestipps”, Zitty Berlin, April 17
David D’Arcy, “Pakistani’s Imran Qureshi is Deutsche Bank KunstHalle’s Artist of the Year”, The National, April 16
“Artist of the Year: Imran Qureshi”, Hello Pakistan, Issue 13, April, pp. 192-193
Andrea Hilgenstock, “Die Deutsche Bank KunstHalle eroeffnet”, tip berlin, April 12
Seda Nigbolu, “Imran Qureshi”, Zitty Berlin, April 11
“Imran Qureshi”, Zitty Berlin, April 10
“Austellungen”, Weltkunst, April 9
Dorothee Baer-Bogenschutz,”Malerische Miniaturen”, Kunstzeitung, April 3
“Imran Qureshi Invited to Undertake Roof Garden Commission at Metropolitan Museum”, Saffronart Blog, April 2
Suhair Khan and Zahra Khan, “Pakistan: Modernizing Miniature Painting”, Global Citizen, March/April, pp. 50-53
Kolja Reichert, “Gewalt, Schoenheit und Hoffnung”, Art Mag by Deutsche Bank, April, pp.12-21
Kirstin Mueller-Wenzel, “Out of Blood We find Beauty”, artcollector, No.12, April, pp.86-91
“Kuenstler des Jahres stellt aus”, Bild Berlin-Brandenburg, March 25
“Erste Ausstellung in der db-Kunsthalle”, BZ, March 25
Patricia Trutescu, “The Met Welcomes Pakistani Artist Imran Qureshi to Roof Garden Commission”, CaribNews, March 11
“Imran Qureshi to paint atop Metropolitan Museum’s roof garden”, The Nation, March 10
“Pakistani artist to create installation for New York museum”, The Express Tribune, March 8
Carol Vogel, “Inside Art”, The New York Times, March 8
Carol Vogel, “A Wave of Public Art for New York City”,, March 7
“Committed to the Present: Shoots of Hope”, Brownbook, March 1
Carol Kino, “The Sheikha’s Biennial”, Harper’s Bazaar, March, p. 320
“Plattform fuer junge Talente”, Die Bank, February 23
“Guggenheim ade”, Berliner Morgenpost, February 16
Sadaf Ahmed, “National College of Arts celebrates Imran Qureshi as the Deutsche Bank Artist of the Year 2013”,, February 21
“NCA holds event for Imran Qureshi”, The Express Tribune, February 20
Lucy Rees, “Imran Qureshi: Traditional, Abstract and Site-Specific”, Flash Art, January/February, pp.66-68
“Das ist ein knallharter Markt”, Tagesspiegel Berlin maximal, January 26
“Notwendige Modernitaet”, Neues Deutschland Berlin, January 11
“Guggenheim Ade”,Weltkunst, January 3 -
Geeta Alvares Meneses, “London Calling: Around Town During Frieze Week”, Libas International, Volume 25, Issue 4, pp.198-204
“Imran Qureshi”, YVI Magazine, Issue 7, December, pp.16-21
“Diplo-media: Old meets new: extremes of art under the microscope”, The Express Tribune, December 8
“Imran Qureshi”,, November
“Kunstraum in Berlin”,
Focus, November 19
“Imran Qureshi: Pakistani artist Deutsche Bank’s Artist of the Year 2013”,,
November 16
“Pakistani artist Imran Qureshi named Deutsche Bank’s Artist of the Year 2013”,, November 16
Momina Sibtain, “Imran Qureshi named artist of the year for 2013”, The Express Tribune,
“Guggenheim heist jetzt Kunsthalle”, Die Welt, November 16
“Pakistani Deutsche Bank’s Artist of the year 2013”,, November 15
Fawad Khan, “Deutsche Bank’s ‘Artist of the Year’ 2013 – Imran Qureshi”,,
November 15
Fakir Syed Iqtidaruddin, “Deutsche Bank names Imran Qureshi ‘Artist of the Year 2013’”,, November 15
“Pakistani artist picked by Deutsche Bank as their artist of the year”,,
November 15
Ruthieal Kalm, “Pakistani artist picked by Deutsche Bank as their artist of the year”,, November 15
“Pakistani artist picked by Deutsche Bank as their artist of the year”, The Express Tribune with
the International Herald Tribune (, November 15
“Das Deutsche Guggenheim verabschiedet sich aus Berlin”, Berliner Morgenpost, November 15
Guggenheims Abschied mit Impressionisten”, Berliner Zeitung, November 15
“Bank macht Kunst”, Hersfelder Zeitung, November 15
“Bank macht Kunst”, HNA Hessische Allgemeine, November 15
“Guggenheim Berlin wird Kunst-Halle Deutsche Bank”, Kreiszeitung Boeblinger Bote, November 14
“Kunst ohne Guggenheim”, Neues Deutschland, November 14
“Deutsche Bank eroeffnet Kunsthalle”, Stuttgartter Zeitung, November 14
“Die Welt, kleiner”, Sueddeutsche Zeitung, November 14
“Unterm Streich”, Taz, November 14
“Scheidung in Farbe”, Der Tagesspiegel, November 14
“Geldinstitut will in Berlin kuenftig allein Kunst zeigen”, Augsburger Allgemeine, November 13
“Deutsche Bank eroeffnet Kunsthalle”, Badische Neueste Nachrichten, November 13
Guggenheim geht Deutsche Bank bleibt mit Kunsthalle”, Berliner Morgenpost, November 13
“Deutsche Bank eroeffnet Kunsthalle ohne Guggenheim”, Berliner Zeitung, November 13
“Kunsthalle jetzt ohne Guggenheim”, Bild Berlin-Brandenburg, November 13
“Deutsche Bank eroeffnet Kunsthalle”, B.Z., November 13
“Deutsche Bank eroeffnet in Berlin eine eigene Kunsthalle”, Der Tagesspiegel, November 13
“Deutsche Bank eroeffnet Kunsthalle in Berlin”, Die Welt, November 13
“Deutsche Bank eroeffnet eingene Kunsthalle”, Esslinger Zeitung, November 13
“Deutsche Bank eroeffnet Kunsthalle in Berlin”, Frankfurter Neue Presse, November 13
“Deutsche Bank mit Kunsthalle”, Kreiszeitung, November 13
“Deutsche Bank steigt aus”, Mannheimer Morgen, November 13
“Deutsche Bank eroeffnet eingene Kunsthalle”, Neue Westfaelische, November 13
“Kunsthalle ohne Guggenheim”, Offenbach Post, November 13
“Deutsche Bank will Kunsthalle eroeffnen”, Rheinische Post, November 13
“Deutsche Bank eroeffnet Berliner Kunsthalle”, Saechsische Zeitung, November 13
“Deutsche Bank eroeffnet eigene Kunsthalle”,Suedkurier, November 13
“Bank eroeffnet Kunsthalle”,Suedwest Presse, November 13
Alexander Forbes, “Deutsche Guggenheim to Become a New Kunsthalle for Berlin”,, November 13
Tom Burroughes, “Art-Loving Deutsche Bank To Open New Gallery In Berlin”,, November 13
“Imran Qureshi named Deutsche Bank’s ‘Artist of the Year’’ 2013”,,
November 13
Manjari Sihare, “Imran Qureshi is Deutsche Bank’s ‘Artist of the Year 2013’”,, November 13
Oliver Koerner von Gustorf, “Violence, Beauty, Hope: Imran Qureshi is Deutsche Bank’s
‘Artist of the Year’ 2013”,, November 12
“Deutsche Bank Art”,, November 12
“Imran Qureshi”, Deutsche + Guggenheim Magazine, Issue 21, Winter 2012, p.31
Sayantan Mukhopadhyay, “The Art of Imran Qureshi”,, November 8
“Artists’ Artists”, Frieze Masters, Issue 1, October, p.88
Rhana Devonport, “Travel”, Urbis Magazine, Issue 70, October, p.106
Salwat Ali, “Foreign Palette: Challenges of Negotiating Space”,, July 15
“Imran Qureshi”,, June 17
Kedar Vishwanathan, “Imran Qureshi: Small Incursions”, artasiapacific, July
Andrew Taylor, “Bright Sparks Converge”, The Sydney Morning Herald (, June 10
S Robinson, “Realms of Intimacy: An Ancient Painting Method in Contemporary Society”,, January 6 -
Lauren Pax, “Mini Metaphors”, Cincinnati, December, p.36
Maria Seda-Reeder, “Epic Miniatures: Contemporary Pakistani Miniaturist Techniques”,, October 15
Kathy Schwartz, “Intimate Visions: CAC Exhibition Uses Beauty to Discuss Difficult Issues”,, September 20
Moni Mohsin, “Beyond Bombs and Beards”, The Times of India; The Crest Edition, September 17, pp.4-7
Fareeha Rafique, “Visually There Are a Lot of Differences in Our Work”, Encore, The News International, August 7
Nicolas Trembley, “The Land of My Love”, Numéro, Issue 124, pp.32-35
Muhammad Yusuf, “Courtyard of Catharsis”, The Gulf Today, 5 May
“Pakistani artist Imran Qureshi Wins Sharjah Prize”,, 21 April
Niilofur Farrukh, “Unsung Heroes of Art”,, April 17
Vinita Bharadwaj, “At Sharjah Biennial, Interpretation of a Region Defined by Rebellion”, The New York Times, March 9
“What Not to Miss at Sharjah Biennial 10”, Art in the, March 16
“Foment of the moment: Even At Art Fairs Democracy Is Hard To Sweep Under The Carpet”, The Economist, March 24
Anna Seaman, “Sharjah Art Fair Gains More Admirers”, The, March 17
Shamim Akhter, “Radical in Different Ways”, Pakistan Art Review, March
“Breath of Violence”, The Economist, December 16
Mustafa Naqvi, “The Oppressor and the Oppressed Become One”, Pakistan Today, November 8
Virginia Whiles, "Iftikar Dadi, Imran Qureshi, Aisha Khalid", Art Monthly, September, pp.37-38
“Reading their art”, The Sunday Times Sri Lanka, August 15
John Lancaster, “Pakistan’s Heartland Under Threat”, National Geographic, July
Atteqa Ali, “Art of the Book”, The News on Sunday (Encore), May 16
Colin Perry, “Aisha Khalid & Imran Qureshi”,, March 25
Karen Wada, “Past Patterns Repeated in 'Beyond the Page' at Pacific Asia Museum”, LA Times, February 14 -
Nirupma Subramanian, “Minatures Get A ‘Neo’ Tag”, The, November 28
Randy Kennedy, “Contradiction Remains Vital to Pakistan and Its Art”, New York, September 2
Koon Yee-wan, “The Doors Not Taken”, Muse, Issue 30, July, pp.101-104
Mike Watson, “The New West”, Artapartofculture, July 1
“Miniature on the Underground”, Nukta Art, Volume 4, p.10
Atteqa Ali, “Talking About Miniature Painting in Pakistan Today”, Nukta Art, Volume 4,
Louis Werner, “Reinventing the Miniature Painting”, Saudi Aramco World, July/August, Volume 60, No. 4
Georgina Adams, “Trading Places”, Financial Times, June 6, p.2
Schezee Zaidi, “Contemporary Artworks on Display”, The News (Pakistan), February 8
Mahtab Bashir, “Living Traditions: Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran Put Under Microscope”, Daily Times (Pakistan), February 9
Schezee Zaidi, “NAG to host Pak-Afghan-Iran Art Exhibition”, The News (Pakistan),
February 5
Mahtab Bashir, “Living Traditionsʼ Of The Region Go on Display at NAG”, Daily Times, (Pakistan), February 8 -
Aryn Baker, “Living Traditions Exhibit Explores Art in War-torn Afghanistan”, Time, October 17
Aunohita Mojumdar, “Afghanistan”, Three-Nation, October 31 -
Amra Ali, “Neo Miniatures”, Dawn Gallery, December 15, p.6
Theresa Thompson, “Imran Qureshi”, The Oxford Times, November 16
Murtaza Vali, “Pakistan Goes Global”, ArtAsiaPacific, Issue 56, November/December 2007
“Indian Moguls inspire artists”, Oxford Star, November 16
“Pupils inspired to deface school”, The Oxford Times, November 9, p.1
Fran Bardsley, “Wonderwall”, Oxford Mail, November 9, p.15
Kevin Kwong, “Taken as red”, South China Morning Post, October 30, p. C8
“Imran Qureshi”, Reading Evening Post, October 25
Jeremy Smith, “Indian Art”, Oxford Mail, October 12
“Exhibitions”, The Guardian Guide, October 6-12, p.37
“Pupils try hand at miniature art”, Oxford Mail, October 4, p.8
Joseph Goldstein, "Heart Touchin Heart", Tricycle, Winter, p.13
Ron Moreau, "Surprised General?", Newsweek, p.52
Christy Lange, "1st Singapore Biennial", Frieze, January-February, p.158-161 -
Emmanuel Cooper, "Beyond the page", Time Out Online, Oct 2
Amra Ali, "Aisha Khalid & Imran Qureshi at Chawkandi Art", Nukta Art, One, pp.16-17
Zainab Khar, "Small is beautiful", Good Times, October 1-15, pp.35-41
Shabnam Syed Khan, "The Bigger Picture", Friday Times, January 6-12, p.26
Fisun Güner, "Beyond the Page", Metro, September 1st, p.28 -
Atteqa Ali, "The Creative Duo", The Nation, December 18, p.33
Aasim Akhtar, "Soul-prints on Wasli", Libas International, Volume 18, Issue 4, pp.122-126
Salwat Ali, "Artists in Transition", Newsline, November, pp.99-101
Murtaza Vali, "Collective Vision", The Herald, October, pp.162-164
Naiza Khan, :Catalyst of change", The Herald, October, pp.159-161
Quddus Mirza, "Market makes the mark", The News, October 16
Benjamin Genocchio, "Pass the Brush: 6 Artists, 1 Vision", New York Times, September
Amra Ali, "Iconography of a city under seige", Nukta, Issue One, pp.40-45
Quddus Mirza, "Small extends big", The News, April 3, p.28
Joanna Pitman, "Pakistani artists have revived an old skill", The Saturday Times Art Review, March 12, p.17
Neil Mulholland, "Expander", Frieze, January/February, p.125 -
Virginia Whiles, "Lahore", Contemporary, Issue 68, pp.15-16
Aasim Akhtar, "I feel free of the constraints of creating a miniature", The News on Sunday (Encore), November 7
Hammad Nasar, "Miniature Makeover", The Herald, April, pp.135-137
"What's On", The Art Newspaper, Issue 146, April, p.6
Hammad Nasar, "Rochdale Remembrance", The Herald, February, pp.98-99
Hammad Nasar, "Same Planet Different Worlds", The Herald, February, pp.94-97
"The Drawn Page", Hersham Acorn Newspapers, October 2, 2003 - March 18, 2004
Shehneela Farheen, "Miniature Paintings with a Twist: Imran Qureshi", Social Pages, January, pp.69-71 -
Cotter, "Playing With a Loaded Gun", The New York Times, September 26
Quddus Mirza, "Imran Qureshi", Flash Art, January-February, p.119
"Letters", The Herald, January, pp.19-21 -
Salima Hashmi, "Crossing Frontiers", Libas International, Vol 15, pp.93-95
Dr. Akbar Naqvi, "Plentitude of Smallness", The Herald, December, pp.134-136
Niilofur Farrukh, "Past Forward", Newsline, December, pp.126-127
Edward Lucie-Smith, "Art Tomorrow", Terrail, pp.256-257
Quddus Mirza, "Moving Miniatures", The News on Sunday (Encore), November 17, p.28
Marjorie Husain, "Beyond Boundaries", Dawn, November 9, p.3
Quddus Mirza, "Threads, Dreams, Desires", Flash Art, No.226, Vol. XXXIV, October
Virginia Whiles, "Imran Qureshi", Art Asia Pacific, Issue 33, pp.54-61 -
Khoj 2001 International Artist's Workshop, International Artists Association
Sara Haq, "Minature Marvels", The News on Sunday (Encore), August 26, p.32
Quddus Mirza, "The Miniature World", The News on Sunday (Encore), July 8, p.32
Robert Clark, "Mania, McCarthy and Qureshi", The Guide, Guardian, June 23-29, p.33
Quddus Mirza, "Deconstructing Missiles", The News, February 11 -
Amra Ali, "Back to the Future", Newsline (Pakistan), October, pp.102-103
Shamim Akhtar, "Contemporary Miniature Paintings", Daily News, September 16
Salima Hashmi, "Radicalising tradition", artlink, Issue 20#2, pp.33-34
Quddus Mirza, "Room with two views", The News, April 2 -
Alia Hasan Khan, "Miniature Makeover", The Herald, November, pp.126-127
Niilofur Farrukh, "Coming of Age", Newsline, November, pp.148-149
Salwat Ali, "Redefining a new horizon of miniature art", The News, October 21
Marjorie Hussain, "The Miniaturists", Dawn, October 14-20, pp.14-15
Quddus Mirza, "Patterns of Change", The News, September 26 -
Asim Akhtar, "Reflections from the city of the mind", The News Encore, October 18, p.32
Zainab Rizvi, "Modernising Miniatures", Friday Times, October 10-16
- Collections
Bradford Art Galleries and Museums, Bradford
Bristol Museum and Art Gallery, Bristol
British Museum, London
Deutsche Bank Collection
Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum
Embassy of the United States, Islamabad
Fukuoka Asian Art Museum
Guggenheim Abu Dhabi
Harris Museum, Preston
Kadist Art Foundation, Paris
Monsoon Art Collection, London
National Art Gallery, Islamabad
Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
The Presidency, Islamabad
The RISD Museum, Rhode Island
University of Chicago Booth School of Business
U.S Department of State
Victoria & Albert Museum, London
World Bank, Washington